
Live Performances

Ed Sullivan Show - 1st Appearance - Feb. 9, 1964


Paperback Writer - 1966

Rain - 1966

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

Strawberry Fields Forever - This video was filmed in Knole Park in Kent in January 1967. 

Penny Lane 

Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

I Am The Walrus

Hello, Goodbye

Let It Be (1970)

-This is the 1970 film that captures the Beatles coming apart at the seams. The band (with Paul advocating the project most of all) thought that taping the band playing together making a back to basics album would bring the band closer. Instead, th
e film captures them growing apart. The climatic moment of the film is their famous rooftop concert at the Apple building. It was the last time the group ever played together live. In a 1971 Rolling Stone interview, John Lennon stated that he saw the film and thought the whole thing was a project to make Paul look good. Here is the film in 9 sections. Watch and see what you think:

[Image via twentyfourframes]